
10 Best Brain Training Books You Must Read to Train Your Brain – Best Books

best brain training books
The best way to train the brain is to read. Man sitting down in a quite place and reading

Top 10 Best Brain Training Books You Must Read to Reprogram Your Mind Successfully


Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you went in there? Or struggled to remember a name or phone number? It happens to the best of us. Luckily, there are ways to improve our memory and mental agility through brain training.

From the best books on memory training to boost your memory skills, to sharpening your thinking capabilities, there is plethora of printed material to help you engage in this life-changing journey.

During the research for this article, I was completely spoiled for choice on some of the best books on brain training out there. From Moonwalking with Einstein to The Brain Warrior’s Way, here’s a compiled list of must-reads for anyone looking to boost their brainpower.

So grab your notepad and get ready to train your brain like never before!

Now, your favorite books on memory techniques may not be here on this list but it doesn’t mean it’s not great. I could have done a list of 7 books or even 20 books, and there will still be some great publications left out.

You can start with this list and then create a customized list as you go along. But before I get into the list of let me answer this question….

What Is Brain Training and Why Is It Important?

Brain training is a term used to refer to activities that are designed to improve cognitive function and enhance mental agility. It involves a range of exercises such as puzzles, games, and memory challenges that stimulate different areas of the brain.

Brain training has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its potential benefits for mental health, memory improvement, and productivity.

In today’s fast-paced world where we are constantly bombarded with information, it is crucial to have a healthy brain function that can keep up with the demands of our daily lives. Brain training can help us achieve this by boosting our cognitive abilities such as memory retention, focus, creativity and problem-solving skills.

Moreover, research shows that regular brain training may help you build new brain cells and may reduce the risk of cognitive decline associated with ageing or neurological disorders such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Therefore it’s important to incorporate brain-training activities into your daily routine if you want to unlock your true potential and achieve optimal mental performance.

Top 10 Best Books On Brain Training You Must Read

Get ready to unleash your brain’s full potential with these top 10 best books on brain training! Whether you want to improve your memory, increase focus and creativity, or reduce stress and anxiety, these must-read books offer techniques for unlocking the power of your mind.

So grab a copy of any of them and start training your brain today! They are in no particular order.

1. Brain Rules: 12 Principles For Surviving And Thriving At Work, Home, And School By John Medina

Brain Rules by John Medina is a must-read for anyone looking to boost their brain power. This book offers 12 principles that are designed to help you understand how your brain works and how you can use this knowledge to improve your memory, focus, and creativity.

You’ll learn about the power of exercise, sleep, and stress reduction in boosting brain function. Medina’s writing style is engaging and witty, making it easy to understand complex concepts. He uses real-life examples and stories to illustrate his points, which makes the book both informative and entertaining.

Whether you’re a student or a professional, Brain Rules offers practical tips for improving your cognitive performance in all areas of life.

2. The Brain That Changes Itself By Norman Doidge

“The Brain That Changes Itself” by Norman Doidge is a fascinating book that explores the concept of neuroplasticity. It details how the brain can change and rewire itself throughout a person’s lifetime, challenging traditional notions of fixed intelligence and abilities.

Doidge introduces readers to inspiring stories of individuals who have overcome brain injuries, strokes, and other neurological issues through various forms of mental exercise and therapy. He also delves into cutting-edge research that suggests our brains are much more malleable than we previously thought.

3. Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises To Help Prevent Memory Loss And Increase Mental Fitness By Lawrence C. Katz And Manning Rubin

If you’re looking for a book that offers practical exercises to keep your brain sharp and prevent memory loss, then “Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises to Help Prevent Memory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness” by Lawrence C. Katz and Manning Rubin is the perfect read for you.

This book introduces readers to neurology and neurobics – a type of exercise that targets the brain’s pathways rather than just the body.

With over 80 unique exercises, this book will help challenge your mind in new ways by breaking routines and stimulating various senses. The authors also explain how these exercises can improve memory recall, creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall mental agility.

Whether you’re young or old, this easy-to-follow guide will help you maintain optimal brain health at any age!

4. Spark: The Revolutionary New Science Of Exercise And The Brain By John J. Ratey

In “Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain,” John J. Ratey reveals how physical activity can directly impact brain function. With scientific research and real-life examples, he shows how exercise not only boosts cognitive performance but also improves mental health.

The book describes or highlights the connection between aerobic exercise and improved memory, attention span, creativity, and mood regulation. It’s an inspiring read that motivates readers to incorporate regular physical activity into their daily lives for better brain health.

So if you’re looking for a practical guide on how to train your brain through exercising, “Spark” is definitely worth checking out!

5. The Memory Book: The Classic Guide To Improving Your Memory At Work, At School, And At Play By Harry Lorayne And Jerry Lucas

“The Memory Book” by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas is a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their memory skills. The book covers techniques and exercises that can be applied in various settings, from work to school and even during playtime.

With easy-to-follow instructions and step-by-step guidance, the authors help readers unlock the full potential of their brain’s capacity for memory.

One of the key takeaways from “The Memory Book” is that mnemonics are crucial tools for remembering information. Using phrases or images to connect new information with pre-existing knowledge makes it easier to retrieve memories later on.

The book also emphasizes the importance of practice; regular repetition reinforces these mnemonic connections in the brain, strengthening memory recall over time.

6. The Power Of Neuroplasticity By Shad Helmstetter

“The Power of Neuroplasticity” by Shad Helmstetter is a transformative book that teaches readers about the incredible ability of our brains to change and adapt throughout our lives. Helmstetter provides practical tools and exercises for harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to improve memory, learning, and overall brain function.

One key takeaway from “The Power of Neuroplasticity” is that we can rewire our brains through conscious effort and repetition. By practicing new habits or ways of thinking, we can create new neural pathways in the brain that lead to long-lasting changes in behavior and mindset.

This book offers valuable insights for anyone looking to unlock their full potential and take control of their mental performance.

7. Brain Training: Exercises To Boost Brain Power For Better Memory, Focus, And Creativity By Adriana S. De Souza

Are you looking for ways to enhance your mental performance? Look no further than “Brain Training: Exercises to Boost Brain Power for Better Memory, Focus, and Creativity” by Adriana S. de Souza. Packed with brain exercises designed to stimulate different parts of the brain, this book offers techniques for improving memory, focus and creativity in a fun and engaging way.

Whether you’re looking to recall important information more easily or just want to stay mentally sharp as you age, “Brain Training” has something for everyone. With clear explanations of each exercise and tips on how to apply them in daily life, this book will help you unlock the full potential of your mind and take control of your mental agility.

8. Superbrain: Train Your Brain And Unleash The Genius Within By Jim Kwik

Superbrain by Jim Kwik is a must-read for anyone looking to enhance their mental agility and unlock the full potential of their brain. This book offers effective techniques for improving memory, focus, and creativity through exercises specifically designed to boost brain power.

Kwik’s approach combines neuroscience with practical applications to help readers take control of their cognitive abilities. With case studies and anecdotes that illustrate his teachings, Superbrain is a game-changing resource that will help you develop the skills necessary to think more clearly, creatively, and productively.

9. Mind Hacking: How To Change Your Mind For Good In 21 Days By John Hargrave

Do you find it difficult to change bad habits or thought patterns? Mind Hacking by John Hargrave offers a unique approach to self-improvement, providing readers with practical tools and techniques for transforming their minds in just 21 days.

Through humor and relatable anecdotes, Hargrave teaches readers how to reprogram their brains, improve mental clarity and focus, and overcome negative thinking.

With simple yet effective strategies such as creating “mind maps” and identifying personal triggers, Mind Hacking empowers readers to take control of their own thoughts and behaviors.

Whether you want to boost productivity, reduce stress and anxiety, or break free from addictive behaviors like procrastination or overeating, this book provides a roadmap for positive change that anyone can follow. So why wait? Start hacking your mind today!

10. The Brain Warrior’s Way: Ignite Your Energy And Focus, Attack Illness And Aging, Transform Pain Into Purpose By Daniel G. Amen And Tana Amen

In their book, “The Brain Warrior’s Way,” Daniel G. Amen and Tana Amen take a holistic approach to brain training by emphasizing the importance of lifestyle choices in enhancing brain function. The authors argue that simple changes such as regular exercise, healthy diet, and stress reduction techniques can have a significant impact on cognitive performance.

Furthermore, “The Brain Warrior’s Way” provides readers with practical tools and strategies for improving mental stamina, focus and concentration while also addressing common neurological conditions such as anxiety, depression, and ADHD.

Overall, this book is an excellent resource for those seeking to achieve optimal brain health through natural means.


I couldn’t help but chip in with this book. It’s one of the earliest books I read on memory enhancement and boosting productivity. I just loved the book title.

Moonwalking With Einstein By Joshua Foer

Moonwalking With Einstein is a fascinating book by Joshua Foer that explores the art and science of remembering everything. In his engaging style, Foer takes readers on a journey into the world of memory masters, from ancient Greece to modern times, revealing how anyone can improve their memory with the right training techniques.

Through case studies and personal experiences, Foer describes how he went from an average person to becoming a champion at the US Memory Championship in just one year.

Foer’s book offers several techniques for improving your memory skills and unlocking your brain’s full potential. From learning new mnemonics to practicing visualization exercises, Moonwalking With Einstein will help you develop mental agility like never before.

Whether you’re looking to boost productivity or overcome stress and anxiety, this must-read book has something for everyone who wants to take control of their mind and remember every small detail without fail!

Benefits Of Brain Training

Brain training offers a variety of benefits, including improved memory, increased focus and concentration, enhanced creativity, better problem-solving skills, and reduced stress and anxiety. Want to know more? Keep reading for key takeaways from each book on our must-read list!

Improved Memory

Improved memory is one of the most sought-after benefits of brain training. The Brain Rules book by John Medina provides 12 principles for better recall, including tips on how to make information stick in your mind.

The Memory Book by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas gives classic techniques for remembering names, faces, and other details.

By incorporating these techniques into your daily routine or through using exercises mentioned in Brain Training: Exercises to Boost Brain Power for Better Memory, Focus, and Creativity by Adriana S. de Souza, you can improve your ability to retain information effectively over time.

These books provide insight into the workings of the human brain faculty as well as practical tools that will help you develop a better memory – something that’s useful not just at school or work but also in everyday life.

Increased Focus and Concentration

Improved focus and concentration are crucial for achieving success in both personal and professional life. Several brain training books offer techniques to enhance these skills, such as Mind Hacking by John Hargrave, which provides 21-day exercises that claim to change the reader’s thinking patterns for good. Similarly, Superbrain by Jim Kwik offers tips on how to increase mental agility through practical exercises that stimulate different parts of the brain.

Other books like The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge explore neuroplasticity and its impact on the brain’s ability to rewire itself continually. Such knowledge can inform readers on how they can leverage this phenomenon to develop better cognitive skills.

By implementing strategies outlined in these books, individuals can achieve clarity of mind and an increased capacity to absorb information while minimizing distractions.

Enhanced Creativity

One of the key benefits of brain training is enhanced creativity. By improving cognitive function and increasing neural connections, brain training can help individuals think outside the box and come up with more innovative solutions to problems.

Several books on our list, such as “Spark” by John J. Ratey and “Superbrain” by Jim Kwik, specifically emphasize how exercise and other forms of stimulation can enhance creative thinking. Additionally, many memory improvement techniques involve using visualization and imagination to remember information, which in turn can also boost creativity.

So not only does brain training improve memory and focus, it can also unlock a whole new level of creative potential for individuals in their personal or professional lives.

Better Problem Solving Skills

Reading books on brain training can help improve your problem-solving skills. Learning to think outside the box and approach problems from multiple angles can be a game-changer in both personal and professional settings.

The Brain Rules book by John Medina offers insight into how the brain works, including decision-making processes that affect problem solving.

The Power of Neuroplasticity by Shad Helmstetter also delves into how our brains are wired for growth and change, offering techniques for improving problem-solving abilities. With exercises designed to challenge the mind and rewire neural pathways, this book is perfect for anyone looking to overcome mental roadblocks.

By incorporating tips and techniques learned from these books, readers can expect increased creativity and adaptability when it comes to tackling complex problems. From better communication skills to more efficient decision-making strategies, improving problem-solving abilities has numerous benefits that extend far beyond just work-related tasks.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Reducing stress and anxiety is arguably one of the most significant benefits of brain training. By practicing cognitive exercises, we can learn to manage our thoughts and emotions better, allowing us to stay calm and focused even in high-pressure situations.

A few of the books mentioned above offer specific techniques for reducing stress, such as “Brain Training: Exercises to Boost Brain Power” by Adriana S. de Souza. This book includes exercises aimed at improving mindfulness and meditation skills or “The Memory Book” by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas that offers memory techniques that can help you make sense of stressful situations more easily.

Overall, choosing a brain training book that specifically targets stress reduction could be an excellent strategy for anyone looking to improve their mental wellbeing while also sharpening their cognitive abilities.

Key Takeaways From Each Book

Discover the essential techniques and strategies for improved memory, enhanced creativity, and increased focus with our top picks for brain training books- you won’t want to miss out on these key takeaways!

Summary Of Key Points And Techniques From Each Book

After reading the top 10 best books on brain training, you’ll have a wealth of knowledge to boost your memory, focus and creativity. You’ll learn about neuroplasticity, cognitive function, mindfulness practices and much more. With each book offering unique techniques for improving mental agility and enhancing your memory skills, you’ll be equipped to take control of your brain’s internal dialogue and think clearly and creatively in every part of your daily life.

So why not give it a shot? Take a step towards unlocking your brain’s full potential with these must-read books on brain training!

Tips For Choosing The Right Brain Training Book

To choose the perfect brain training book for your needs, identify your goals and research the methodology and approach of each book – but don’t stop there! Keep reading to discover more helpful tips that will make you a true brain fitness pro.

Identify Your Goals And Needs

Before choosing a brain training book, it’s essential to identify your goals and needs. Are you looking to improve your memory, increase focus and concentration, or perhaps enhance your problem-solving skills? Knowing what you want to achieve will help narrow down the selection of books that are best suited for you.

Once you’ve determined your goals, research the methodology and approach of each book carefully. Some books may use puzzles and mind games as their primary method of brain training, while others may incorporate physical exercise or mindfulness practices. Consider which approach resonates with you most and aligns with your learning style.

Research The Book’s Methodology And Approach

When it comes to choosing a brain training book, understanding the methodology and approach of the author is key. Do they focus on memory improvement through specific exercises or do they explore neuroscience to provide a deeper understanding of how the brain works? Researching this information beforehand can help you determine if a particular book aligns with your goals and interests.

Additionally, looking into the author’s qualifications, experience, and reputation can also give insight into their expertise in the field of brain training. Are they a renowned neuroscientist or psychologist with years of research under their belt? Or are they someone who has personally experienced significant improvements in their own cognitive function and wants to share their methods with others? Knowing these details can help you make an informed decision about which books to invest your time in reading.

Read Reviews and Recommendations

When searching for the best brain training books, it’s crucial to read reviews and recommendations from other readers. This can give you an idea of whether or not a book is worth your time and money. Look for reviews that mention specific techniques or strategies that were particularly helpful or any areas where the book fell short.

Additionally, don’t just rely on one source for reviews. Check out multiple platforms such as Amazon, Goodreads, and blogs to get a well-rounded understanding of what others are saying about the book.

Reviews can also offer insights into who would benefit most from reading a particular book – whether it’s beginners in brain training or those seeking more advanced techniques. Overall, taking the time to read through reviews and recommendations will help you make informed decisions about which books to add to your reading list.

Look for a Reputable Author and Publisher

When choosing a brain training book, it’s essential to consider the credibility of the author and publisher. Look for authors who have degrees or extensive experience in neuroscience, psychology, or related fields. Reputable publishers often indicate that their books are well-researched and backed by scientific evidence.

However, don’t dismiss self-published authors altogether. Some experts in brain training may opt for self-publishing to maintain creative control over their work. Still, be sure to scrutinize their credentials before diving into their material. Remember: your brain health is at stake!

How To Incorporate Brain Training Into Your Daily Routine

Incorporating brain training into your daily routine can be as simple as taking a 10-minute break to do a crossword puzzle or practicing mindfulness during your morning commute.

Exercise and Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is one of the best things you can do for your brain. Studies show that exercise not only improves cardiovascular health, but also boosts cognitive function and enhances memory performance. Even short bursts of exercise throughout the day, like taking a quick walk or doing some stretching, can significantly improve focus and creativity.

Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming either. Try scheduling in a morning jog, joining a yoga class on weekends, or simply taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work. The key is consistency and finding an activity that you enjoy so it becomes easier to stick with long-term.

Mindfulness Practices

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment. To incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine, you can try meditation, deep breathing exercises or a mindful walk in nature.

Research has shown that mindfulness practices can improve brain function and mental health. Studies indicate that regular mindfulness meditation may lead to structural changes in the brain associated with learning and memory processes.

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can reduce stress levels and improve focus and decision-making skills. So take a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness – it’s worth it!

Learning New Skills And Hobbies

Learning new skills and hobbies is an excellent way to keep your brain active and engaged. By introducing yourself to new activities, you stimulate different areas of the brain, helping to improve cognitive function in various ways.

Whether it’s picking up a musical instrument, learning a new language, or even taking on a pottery class, incorporating these types of challenges into your routine will help boost creativity, problem-solving skills and memory.

Not only do hobbies provide excellent opportunities for mental stimulation but they also offer numerous health benefits that can lead to improved overall wellbeing. Engaging in physical exercise through hobbies like dancing or hiking has been proven to reduce stress levels and increase endorphins in the body which can help combat anxiety and depression. A

Brain Games And Puzzles

Brain games and puzzles are a great way to challenge your mind and improve cognitive function. These activities can range from crossword puzzles, Sudoku, word searches, memory games, and even video games that require problem-solving skills.

Engaging in these activities on a regular basis has been shown to improve memory retention and recall while also increasing focus and concentration. They are also excellent stress-relievers that can help you relax after a long day at work or school. So why not add some brain teasers to your daily routine? Not only will they keep your brain sharp, but they can also be fun!


In conclusion, these top 10 best books on brain training are just the beginning of your journey to unlocking your full potential. Don’t stop there, check out our additional resources for brain training including apps, online courses and workshops to continue expanding your mind and improving cognitive function.

Keep pushing yourself beyond what you thought was possible because when it comes to brain health, there’s always room for growth!

Additional Resources For Brain Training


In addition to books, there are also plenty of apps that can help with brain training. One popular app is Lumosity, which offers a variety of games and exercises designed to improve memory, attention, flexibility and speed.

Another great option is Elevate, which focuses on increasing productivity through personalized training plans.

Other notable brain-training apps include Peak, Fit Brains Trainer and BrainHQ. It’s important to keep in mind that while these apps can be helpful, they should not be relied on as the sole means of brain training.

It’s still crucial to engage in physical activity, mindfulness practices and learning new skills outside of technology for overall cognitive health.

Online Courses

Looking to take your brain training to the next level? Consider enrolling in an online course! Many universities and educational platforms offer courses focused on cognitive function, memory improvement, and overall brain health.

One great option is Coursera’s “Learning How to Learn” course taught by Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski. This free online course covers valuable insights on how our brains work and provides techniques for effective learning and memory retention.

Another popular choice is Lumosity, a website that offers personalized brain training programs based on your individual needs and goals. With over 60 million users worldwide, their science-based approach has been proven to enhance cognitive function in areas such as attention, problem-solving, and processing speed.

Workshops And Seminars

Workshops and seminars are a great way to immerse yourself in brain training techniques. These events often feature experts in the field who can provide deeper insights into the latest research, answer your questions, and offer hands-on experience with various training methods.

Attending workshops and seminars can also be an excellent opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your interest in brain training. By engaging with others, you can gain new ideas and perspectives that you might not have considered before. With so many options out there, it’s worth researching which workshops or seminars may appeal to you most based on their topics or facilitators.


What are some of the best books on brain training that I should read?

There are many great books on brain training, but some of the top ones to consider include “The Brain That Changes Itself” by Norman Doidge, “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck, and “Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School” by John Medina.

Can reading books about brain training actually improve my mental abilities?

Yes! Reading books about brain training can help you understand how your mind works and provide you with actionable strategies for improving your cognitive abilities over time.

Are there any specific types of exercises or activities recommended in these brain-training books?

Many of these books will offer a variety of exercises or activities designed to strengthen different areas of your brain, such as memory retention or problem-solving skills. Some may even recommend specific apps or computer programs that can assist with these exercises.

Do I need any special equipment or software to take advantage of the tips and techniques outlined in these brain-training books?

In most cases, no special equipment is required – though some authors may suggest using particular tools like meditation cushions or puzzle games to aid in certain aspects of their recommended practices. However, all the information provided can be applied without needing anything except a book itself!

What do you think?

Written by Michael Allsworth

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