
Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset: 20 Tips and Strategies for Success

Entrepreneurial mindset
Develop the mindset of an entrepreneur, bring value to your customers and be successful. 20 keys to entrepreneurial mindset.

Think Like One – 20 Ways on How to Master the Entrepreneurial Mindset


Let’s start today’s discussion on developing an entrepreneurial mindset with my personal journey. Before, I was focused on just getting a job and starting my career – making sure I had some stability and security in life. But then I realized that this wasn’t enough for me as I didn’t want to do a 9-5 for the rest of my life; I wanted to make an impact and create something lasting.

So, I decided to take a leap of faith and start my own business online back in the summer of 2018. It was really hard at first, as the uncertainty and risk involved could have gone horribly wrong. But it taught me so much, like how to think creatively, take calculated risks, and never give up in the pursuit of my dreams.

About 5 years into the journey, I’ve come to appreciate the basic traits and characteristics of entrepreneurial success.

The entrepreneurial mindset means believing in yourself, not letting fear or perceived obstacles stand in your way, taking risks, and learning from your mistakes. It took me a while to get the learning from mistakes part.

It also means having a big-picture view of things – so instead of just focusing on the immediate outcomes and how it can make you a living, you’re looking at how you can create something sustainable that will make a lasting impact, at least on your family. This could be anything from launching your own startup or developing marketing strategies for existing companies – whatever it takes to turn your ideas into reality!

The entrepreneurial mindset is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. The following are some 20 tips and strategies that I have used and know other successful entrepreneurs know that will help you develop and improve your entrepreneurial mindset so that you can start your own successful business.

How to develop an entrepreneurial mindset

1. Think big

If you’re an entrepreneur, then you’ve likely heard or you’re going to hear the term “think big.” But what does it really mean? It doesn’t just mean that you should be ambitious. It means that your mindset must allow for growth and transformation as your business evolves.

As previously noted, entrepreneurs need to be able to think differently from the people around them in order to succeed as long-term business owners and operators. That’s where thinking big comes into play.

You have to think about not only what steps are needed today but also how they’ll impact future decisions down the line—and whether those decisions will help or hinder your ultimate goals for success as an entrepreneur and business owner.

Think about the goals you want out of life right now—goals such as financial security or family stability—and ask yourself how starting a business might help achieve those things sooner than later (or maybe even at all).

Then consider how these specific outcomes would relate back to larger concepts like personal fulfillment or professional satisfaction; ultimately they’ll all tie together into one cohesive vision for how life could look with entrepreneurship at its center!

2. Spot opportunities

When you’re thinking like an entrepreneur, you’ll be on the lookout for opportunities to create value. You see them all around you, in your daily life, in your business and industry—even in your community.

Let’s take the story of Airbnb for example. I’m sure you’ve heard or know that Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia started Airbnb back in 2008. It was such a creative idea, right?

They were living in San Francisco and there was this design conference going on and all the hotels were fully booked. They saw an opportunity to help the people who were struggling to find a place to stay.

They had a couple of airbeds in their apartment and they thought, “Why not rent them out?” And that’s how it all started. They started with renting out airbeds and now look at it, Airbnb is one of the biggest platforms for renting out homes or spare rooms all over the world.

I think it’s pretty cool how a small idea can turn into something so big and impactful.

3. Be ready to act

When opportunities for success arise, you need to be ready to take action. It’s important not to wait for the perfect time or the ideal situation before you make a move on your idea. If you are going to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to be willing to risk failure and learn from it.

Be prepared for the “I told you so” moment when your business idea fails in its first iteration—then use that failure as motivation for improvement. Sometimes it can come from the closest people to you. But you can use that as motivational fuel to keep you going.

4. Dare to be different.

The entrepreneur mindset dares to be different. A study conducted by professors at Harvard Business School found that businesses with distinctive characteristics are more likely to succeed in the marketplace than those that offer products similar to their competitors.

Why? Because if you can stand out from your competition, then customers will be more likely to see you as an expert and turn to you for advice when they need help.

It’s important not only to be different from your competitors but also unique in your own way—just like Apple was with its iPod and iPhone inventions (and continues today with its Airpods and HomePod). The goal isn’t just being unique so people notice; it’s about providing real value while still remaining relevant as changes occur in society or technology over time.

5. Dream, but stay realistic.

You’re reading this because you want to know how entrepreneurs think. The first thing you need to know about being an entrepreneur is: It’s not for the faint of heart. It takes courage, perseverance, and a willingness to fail if you are going to succeed at it.

It also takes a lot of hard work, some sleepless nights, and time away from your friends and family (and sometimes even marriage). It will put stress on every aspect of your life—including your health—and will test every relationship in ways they never expected or imagined possible when they got into those relationships in the first place.

So why do people do it? Because they love what they do! And because there is no alternative that can provide them with such a high level of satisfaction than being their own boss!

6. Set SMART goals

I’m sure you’ve heard this a few times but it’s true. One of the skills and traits of entrepreneurs is setting goals, SMART goals, and taking action on them:

  • SMART goals are specific. They tell you what you want, not just how you’ll get there.
  • SMART goals are measurable. You can measure a goal by its impact or progress on the end result.
  • SMART goals are attainable. The goal is something that is within your grasp, it isn’t too difficult or impossible to achieve in the time frame given for the goal’s completion (it should be something that you can achieve with effort).
  • SMART goals are relevant and timely: they have a specific time frame, deadline, or desired outcome attached to them so that they don’t get lost in all of life’s other distractions/events which could come up during their pursuit/achievement process.

7. Develop a growth mindset

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.” —Vince Lombardi


This quote is as true for entrepreneurs as it is for athletes or students. If you are entrepreneurially minded, you need to cultivate a mindset that has the right attitude and beliefs about your abilities – the growth mindset

You need to believe that you can learn new things, change your brain and grow into the person who becomes an entrepreneur.

A growth mindset allows people to be curious and stretch their entrepreneurial thinking beyond what they already know. This is the right mindset that allows you to be a thinker and bring solutions to challenges.

It enables them to embrace challenges instead of fearing failure because they understand that errors will only help them improve their skillset in the long run—like putting on muscle after lifting weights at the gym!

8. Take risks

When you’re in the thick of it, it can be tempting to think that risk-taking is just for the brave. But if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to learn how to take risks—and not just at work.

Taking risks can be scary and difficult, but it’s important too. Risk-taking fosters creativity and innovation; without them, there would be no new ideas or products. And sometimes those risky ideas turn into big successes (think Facebook).

Your ability to handle risk will also help you become a better leader in your company: being able to look past setbacks or failures with grace and resilience will give others confidence in your leadership abilities.

9. Keep moving forward

One of the most important skills for aspiring entrepreneurs is never giving up. Sometimes it will feel like everything seems to be going wrong, and you might feel like quitting. But if you don’t give up, your business will eventually succeed.

You could also think about other times in your life when things didn’t work out but you kept pushing forward anyway. For example, maybe you learned how to ride a bike without training wheels or got over your fear of dogs by feeding them treats from your hand (as I did).

Whatever those moments are for you—and there are many—remember that it took courage for them to happen. To learn new things and improve yourself takes courage!

Here’s another way to think about this: If someone asked you why they should hire or buy from your company/service/product instead of another one on the market, what would be the main reason? Couldn’t that same answer apply to everything else in life?


As an entrepreneur, you have to keep making progress no matter how small. A famous quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

10. Work smart

This is an oldie but a goodie. Your mom has probably told you this before: if you want to get some work done, don’t just sit there and stare at the computer screen. Get up and move around!

Work smart and not hard. The phrase “work smart, not hard” may sound contradictory, but it’s true nevertheless. In order to do your best work, you need to be organized and plan ahead for challenges that might come up during your project or task at hand.

It also helps to delegate tasks if possible—you don’t need to spend hours writing emails when someone else could do them better than you can! And these you can AI tools can help you be more efficient with repetitive tasks. Leverage their power and get things done efficiently.

11. Build your network

The best entrepreneurs build their networks both online and offline and collaborate a lot. Yes, when you’re starting out, it’s likely you will not know anyone. However, you need to always think of networking. There are various helpful groups and communities online where you can have great learning experiences and network with like-minded solopreneurs.

My advice? Reach out to people and ask them if they can help you build your network. It’s not that hard! If you are looking for an opportunity, send an email with your CV attached asking if they know anyone who might be able to help with entry-level positions at their company (or other companies).

If they don’t know anyone right now but want more information about how awesome you are, then connect on LinkedIn and follow up with them later when another position opens up at their company or elsewhere!

12. Think outsourcing

Time is the one thing that can never be retrieved. One may lose and regain a friend; one may lose and regain money; opportunity once spurned may come again; but the hours that are lost in idleness can never be brought back to be used in gainful pursuits. Most careers are made or marred in the hours after supper. C.R. Lawton

Whether it’s creating engaging, helpful content for your website, video creation for your YouTube channel, or whatever, outsourcing is a great way to save time and money, and this ties in with tip #10 above.

For example, if you are a graphic designer but not good at writing content for your website, it would be wise to hire someone who specializes in writing that can help you create engaging content for your clients.

Leverage platforms such as Fiverr, UpWork, and Freelancer for services that can be better accomplished by others, so you can free your time to focus on another important aspect of running a successful business. Or you can simply hire a virtual assistant from the Philippines

The idea of outsourcing may seem scary or overwhelming at first but if you take the time to find the right person for the job then it will be well worth it.

When hiring freelancers or employees there are many things to keep in mind such as their experience level and whether they have worked with similar projects before so they can provide valuable input on how best to complete yours too!

13. Stay positive

As an entrepreneur, you have to be self-motivated and have the tenacity to persevere. You will hit obstacles and experience roadblocks. You may have to make sacrifices to reach your goals. Don’t let these things get you down or discourage you from persevering through your struggles.

Instead, keep a positive attitude and look for ways that these situations can help your business grow. Look to others for inspiration. Remember that there are many people out there who want to see you succeed!

If a particular situation isn’t working out as planned, don’t be afraid to ask others for help or advice. Ask someone who has been successful in the same field as yours what they would do in this situation. That’s why networking and mentorship is important.

An important entrepreneurial behavior is a positive attitude. If things aren’t going well right now then it’s time for some reflection on why that might be happening rather than assuming that something is wrong with yourself or your business model (even though sometimes those things *are* wrong).

14. Think self-improvement

You can always improve yourself or your business model. Some entrepreneurs are so afraid of being wrong that they never try anything new. This is a mistake because you cannot succeed if you do not experiment. Successful entrepreneurs think and have the ability to learn quickly.

If an idea does not work as expected, do not be afraid to make necessary changes to your business model or product line to ensure long-term viability and growth. There are many ways in which you can improve yourself and your company, including:

Learning from others’ mistakes (or successes) – You will never know everything about any given field or industry, no matter how knowledgeable you may be in the subject area. As such, it is important that you take advantage of learning opportunities by following industry leaders and reading trade publications whenever possible. By doing this regularly over time, there’s no telling how much more successful your business could become!

15. Embrace uncertainty

Uncertainty is the foundation of entrepreneurship. It allows you to spot new opportunities, be creative, innovate and be flexible.

In today’s online business world, uncertainty has become a constant companion—and one that’s usually accompanied by stress and anxiety. Entrepreneurs encounter this challenge every day as they try to find their place in a rapidly changing marketplace where customers are constantly demanding more value for less money.

To succeed as an entrepreneur, you need persistence, be adaptable and embrace uncertainty as an opportunity for strategic success!

16. Think proactivity

Be proactive. Opportunities won’t come knocking at your door—you have to go out and find them! Don’t wait for something good to happen, make it happen yourself; it’s one of the best entrepreneurial skills you can have.

Don’t worry about what other people think of you or your ideas; if they were a great idea, they wouldn’t be yours in the first place. And don’t be afraid to take risks; the best thing that could happen is failure (there are worse things).

Take those risks anyway because it’s better than sitting around waiting for something good to happen that might never come along anyway!

17. Embrace technology

One of the most important aspects of being an entrepreneur is maximizing your efficiency. Technology is a great way to do this. If you’re constantly working with files and documents, consider using cloud storage tools like Dropbox or Google Drive so that you don’t have to deal with the stress of keeping track of multiple versions, or saving them in multiple places.

You can also use productivity tools like Trello, Monday, and Asana to make sure your team has clear and up-to-date task lists, so everyone stays on track without wasting time. When it comes to communicating with customers or vendors, use technology such as Slack or Skype so that you don’t need constant phone calls when things get busy at work (which they will!).

And if there’s a lot going on in your business life outside work hours—we know there always is—then try software like Zoom for video conferencing.

18. Be optimistic

The entrepreneurial mindset is optimistic. But what does it mean to be an optimist? It means you believe your efforts will result in success.

It means that you see the glass as half full rather than half empty, and even when things are bad, you can find a silver lining somewhere.

It’s also important to note that optimism is not just about seeing only the good side of a situation; it’s about being able to perceive both sides of any given issue or problem—and still remain positive about what lies ahead for you.

This means having faith in yourself and your abilities (or lack thereof), as well as having confidence that everything will work out fine in the end—even if things don’t go exactly as planned right now!

19. Taking ownership

It’s important to take ownership, be decisive and take action quickly. This can be difficult when you don’t have the right information, but entrepreneurs are often forced to make decisions with incomplete data. The key is to define a problem before starting on a solution.

Being decisive as an entrepreneur means making quick and confident decisions, especially when it comes to pivoting or changing the direction of your business.

For example, I started eBay dropshipping handmade jewelry from Aliexpress, but sales weren’t growing as much as I hoped. After researching the market and thinking in terms of customers’ wants, I found that there is a high demand for personalized jewelry and made that little switch to selling personalized jewelry. By acting swiftly and confidently, I was able to capitalize on the market opportunity and increased sales and revenue.

20. Read and read wide

Read books by successful entrepreneurs and read biographies of visionaries you admire. Read books by successful entrepreneurs. Reading about the experiences of other people who have gone through similar challenges can give you insight into how they overcame them and help you focus on the right things.

Biographies are also a great way to learn more about your role models, so branch out from reading only about the founders of billion-dollar companies and read biographies about those who’ve made impactful contributions to society—like Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, or Steve Jobs.

Reading these types of books will help you build a better understanding of the thought processes on what it takes to start a business and be successful at it while giving you new ideas on how others handled different challenges that may face entrepreneurs today (and tomorrow).

You’ll also pick up insights into what makes people successful in general, whether they’re running businesses or not.


This is just the beginning of your journey as an entrepreneur. It’s a long road filled with challenges, but it’s also full of rewards. Keep in mind that you can always adapt and change your approach to suit your needs as time goes on. Always be ready to learn from mistakes so that next time around things go much smoother!

Hopefully, this article has given you a good overview of the entrepreneurial mindset. It’s important to remember that it’s not easy—in fact, it takes time! But if you’re willing to put in the effort and do the work, then you can definitely be successful as an entrepreneur.

Takeaway: The entrepreneurial mindset is all about being confident enough to take risks, turn ideas into reality and solve problems when they arise.

FAQs on the Entrepreneurial Mindset

What are the 5 entrepreneurial mindsets?

  1. Having a growth mindset. Entrepreneurs must have an open mindset and be willing to learn, grow and pivot when necessary.
  2. Being able to deal with failure. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to accept that failure is going to happen and use it as a learning experience rather than letting it hold you back.
  3. Thinking big but staying focused. Entrepreneurs should have ambitious goals while managing their resources strategically so that they don’t become overwhelmed or unfocused in the process.
  4. Being confident in your decisions. Having faith in yourself and your ideas is key to success as an entrepreneur – decisiveness is essential for making progress quickly without second-guessing yourself constantly.
  5. Embracing risk-taking and taking calculated risks Taking risks is part of the game, but entrepreneurs need to practice good judgment by assessing risks and weighing potential rewards before jumping into a decision.

What are the 7 components of an entrepreneurial mindset?

  1. The Ability to Spot Opportunities. Entrepreneurs must have the ability to recognize potential opportunities and be willing to take action on them.
  2. Creative Problem-Solving. Innovative solutions are a key part of successful entrepreneurship, so having an eye for creative problem-solving is essential.
  3. Confidence in Decision-Making. The ability to make decisions quickly and confidently will help entrepreneurs move forward with their ideas without hesitation or doubt.
  4. Resilience & Adaptability Being able to overcome obstacles and find new ways of approaching problems is essential for many entrepreneurs, as challenges will arise and plans will likely need to change along the way.
  5. Risk Taking & Calculated Risk Taking Knowing when and how to take risks is critical for successful entrepreneurship – being willing to take risks, but being smart about what kind of risks are taken can lead to great rewards down the line.
  6. Staying Focused and Motivated Staying motivated and focused on goals is vital for all entrepreneurs, especially during times of uncertainty or difficulty when it is easy to get discouraged or lose sight of the ultimate goal.
  7. Leadership Qualities Having good organizational skills as well as strong interpersonal skills that allow entrepreneurs to effectively motivate others around them can set them apart from the competition in certain situations, such as when trying to secure funding or build a team around their venture.

Why is an entrepreneurial mindset important?

Having an entrepreneurial mindset is important for many reasons, here are just a couple:

First, it gives entrepreneurs the confidence and courage to make decisions quickly and to move forward with their ideas without overthinking or second-guessing themselves.

Additionally, it allows them to identify new opportunities, take risks and think outside of the box when they need to solve problems or find innovative solutions to challenges.

And finally, an entrepreneurial mindset also helps entrepreneurs stay motivated and focused on their goals, even when things get difficult or uncertain, ensuring that they can reach their desired outcome in the end.

What do you think?

Written by Michael Allsworth

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