
Create Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns that Increase CTR – 12 Tips

targeted email marketing
Targeted email marketing offers more benefits than simply blasting one email to everyone of your subscribers. Use it for the best results in your business

Personalize Your Approach: How to Create Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns that Convert


Dear solo entrepreneur, digital marketer, and online business owner, email marketing has come a long way since the days of sending out generic mass emails. Today’s consumers expect a personalized, relevant experience, and that’s exactly what targeted email marketing delivers.
With the ability to segment your email list and deliver customized messages to specific groups of people, targeted email marketing allows you to make a real connection with your audience and drive conversions like never before.
But where do you start your targeted email campaign? How do you create campaigns that truly resonate with your subscribers?
In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of targeted email marketing, and show you how to use personalization techniques, A/B testing, and design best practices to create campaigns that convert. So, if you’re ready to take your email marketing to the next level and start seeing real results, read on!

What is targeted email marketing?

If you’ve ever opened an email from a company and found something relevant to your interests, you’ve most likely experienced targeted email marketing.

A personalized message can be as simple as a coupon for the product or service that you’re interested in, or it could be an offer for something completely new.

Either way, when these messages are sent out on behalf of specific individuals who have shown some interest in their products, they’re more likely to land in inboxes than the standard “Dear customer” message that everyone else gets.

These personalized emails help businesses increase sales by creating more personal connections with customers—which means more money spent per customer. They also improve engagement and loyalty by making customers feel valued and appreciated; if someone takes time out of their day just to send me a personalized offer based on my previous purchases (and I’m sure they’re not doing this just because I’m writing this article), then I’m going to stay loyal!

The benefits of targeted email marketing

Targeted email marketing is the most effective way to communicate with your audience. This is because it’s more relevant than broadcast emails, which are sent to all of your subscribers at once.

In a recent study by MailChimp, it was found that personalization in email campaigns can increase open rates by 18% and click-through rates by 75%. In addition, it also helps improve unsubscribe rates and conversion rates.

With personalization, you’re sending personalized messages to customers who have opted-in for them—meaning they want to hear from you! What’s more? Personalized emails also increase customer satisfaction and brand loyalty as well as increased revenue for businesses (and even nonprofits).

1. Targeted email marketing lets you reach a specific audience and increase your ROI (return on investment).

2. It’s an effective way to engage customers and drive sales.

3. You can create custom campaigns that are relevant to your audience’s interests, demographics, and buying habits.

4. You can easily customize the look and feel of your emails based on time of day (day vs night), device type (desktop vs mobile), and geo-location (local vs international).

5. It’s easy to track whether or not your campaign was successful by using analytics tools like Google Analytics or MailChimp.

6. You can easily share content from other sources through social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook without having to worry about copyright laws because the source material is embedded within the email itself!

7. It makes it easy for users who don’t have time for in-depth articles but would still like some information about your brand, products, or services–especially when they’re on the go!

How to use targeted email marketing campaigns to achieve your business goals

1. Create a target audience profile.

Before you can start writing a single email, you need to make sure that you’re targeting the right audience. To do this, there are five key things to define:

  • Demographics – Age, gender, income level, and more
  • Interests – Hobbies and interests of your target audience (hint: they probably don’t enjoy gardening)
  • Behavior – What they like to do online (e-commerce sites are great for this)
  • Location – Where are they located? The U.S., Europe, or Asia? Is it important that they live in a specific city? Only you know the answer to that.
  • Goals – What is their goal when they visit your site or watch one of your videos? How can you help them reach these goals through email marketing

2. How to segment your email lists

Before you’ll able to send targeted emails, ensure you segment your audience for the best results. There are many ways to segment your lists. The most popular being by demographics, behavior factors, interests, and income level, among others. This works not only in eCommerce but across other markets.

By demographics (age, gender, location)

The first step to creating a segmented list is to identify the different groups of people you want to reach. You can do this by looking at the demographics of your current customers, using information like age, gender, location, and income level.

Once you’ve identified who your audience is, make sure that each email campaign you send out reaches them in a way that speaks directly to them. For example: If someone has given birth recently, they may be interested in reading about how your product will help them care for their newborn baby.


Create an email marketing campaign targeting new parents that sends out content related specifically to their needs as new parents (e.g., tips on how best to swaddle).

By behavioral factors (purchase history, website interactions)

The best way to segment your email list is by behavioral factors, such as purchase history and website interactions. You can do this by using a tool like Wishpond’s Segmentation Tool.

When you use this tool, you’ll be able to import data from your e-commerce platforms (such as Shopify or Magento) or marketing automation tools (such as HubSpot or Marketo). Once the data has been imported into Wishpond, you’ll be able to segment it based on any number of variables:


  • Recent purchases
  • Total spend over time
  • Quantity of products purchased at once (for example, if someone purchased two identical items).


Once you’ve segmented your list based on behavioral factors like these—and others—you can use them in emails in different ways.

For example, you can send a discount code to people who have recently made a purchase.

You can create an email with the most popular products from your store and share them with customers who haven’t purchased from you in a while.

By interests (subscriptions, downloads, event attendance)

There are different types of segmentation based on interest and you should choose the one that’s most appropriate for your audience.

  • Interests: This can be done by looking at what people are interested in and are willing to spend time on (sports, travel, etc.). You can also use this data to look at which websites they visit frequently or which social media platforms they use often.


  • Behaviors: These are actions that people take online (reading a blog post, downloading an ebook, etc.).
  • Event attendance: This can be done based on if the subscriber honored an event invitation such as a webinar. After the event, you can send emails to find out if they are interested in the product or not.

3. Send relevant content

  • Keep it relevant to the target audience.
  • Use customer data to send targeted content.
  • Make it personal. You can use a customer’s name in your message, or even ask for their opinion on something related to your business or industry. This will make them feel like you’re talking directly to them, which is important because if someone feels like you’re talking directly to them, they’ll be more likely to respond positively (and buy from you).


  • Make it useful. The best marketing campaigns are those that give customers real reasons they need your product or service by showing off how it solves problems they have in their lives. This gives prospects an incentive not only because they want what’s offered but also because they’ll want other people around them as well.

This is because there are social pressures involved with being part of a group where everyone uses something specific. This is called “social proof.” This social pressure can be used effectively when combined with other methods such as celebrity endorsements (where celebrities endorse products) or having friends recommend products/services through word-of-mouth marketing campaigns.”

4. Personalization techniques

It’s easy to get started with personalized email marketing. Here are some of the most common techniques:

  • Use the subscriber’s name
  • Recommend products based on browsing history
  • Use the subscriber’s location (city, state, country)
  • Use subscriber’s purchase history (what they bought or viewed recently)
  • Use device information (their preferred mobile device) and other personalization options that are available to you through your ESP or email service provider.

5. A/B Testing (aka Split Testing)

As you’re designing your campaign, think about how each element affects your conversion rate.

For example, try different subject lines to see which one gets the most opens and clicks.

You’d be surprised by how many people use the same approach with every email they send!

Try sending your emails at different times of day or weekends vs weekdays for a boost in open rates too.

And finally, test out different calls-to-action that best suit your audience: maybe a “click here” button will work better than a “learn more” link?

6. Design best practices

To make sure your email marketing campaigns are as effective as possible, here are some design best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use responsive design. Responsive design means that your emails can be read on any device without the need for multiple versions of the same email template. This increases open rates because it ensures that recipients see your message when they open their inboxes, no matter what kind of device they’re using.
  • Include images and video where appropriate. Images and videos help break up the text and make your email more visually appealing, which makes it easier for readers to take in information quickly.

Plus, clicking on an image or a link within a video generally takes you somewhere else entirely (a website or another page within an application), which means it’s easy for recipients to scan through content quickly if needed — even if they don’t end up reading everything word-for-word!

7. Building trust and authenticity with subscribers

In order to build trust and authenticity with your customers, you need to be transparent about who you are and how you operate. Your audience should know what they can expect from a relationship with your brand.

  • Be transparent about what you do and how you do it. Let people know how long it will take for a response or an order to arrive, if there are any fees associated with using your product/service, etc.
  • Listen to customer feedback and respond promptly when necessary. This will show customers that their needs matter most (and make them more likely to come back).
  • Share your expertise on related topics through blogs, social media posts, videos or other channels that reach the same audience as your email lists. Your expertise will build up credibility over time—and help drive conversions down the road!

8. Handling opt-outs and unsubscribes

You should be transparent in how you use subscriber data, and make it easy for subscribers to opt out of email marketing.

  • Include an unsubscribe link at the end of each email that’s easy to find and use.
  • The CAN-SPAM Act requires that you have a way for subscribers to opt out of receiving future emails from your company or organization. This can either be included as part of your opt-in process or as its own form separate from the signup form (for example, by adding an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each email).

9. Measuring and analyzing campaign performance

To measure and analyze the success of your campaign, look at the following metrics. Any email marketing tool worth its salt should be able to help analyze data effectively and help you with your customer relationship management (CRM).

  • Open rates. This is a percentage of emails opened by recipients. If you have an open rate of 20 percent, that means 20 out of every 100 recipients opened your email.
  • Click-through rates (CTR). This is a percentage of users who click on links in emails and visit another web page after receiving them. If you have a CTR of 10 percent, that means 10 out-of-every 100 recipients visited another web page after receiving your email message.
  • Conversions or purchases made based on clicks from your campaign—the total value generated by these conversions should be set as the goal in Google Analytics so you can track how many times people convert into customers through their referral link!

10. Examples of successful targeted email marketing campaigns

Personalized emails can help you increase click-through rates, reduce unsubscribe rates and boost your overall campaign ROI.

To get started with targeted email marketing campaigns, start by determining what content your customers want to receive. You can use surveys or even just ask them directly in the comments section of one of your social media posts.

For example, if a customer likes seafood tacos and lives in California, an email that shows how much you love them and how much you want them to come back should be sent out ASAP!

11. Examples of analysis of the strategies and tactics used

A great way to get a feel for the effectiveness of your campaigns is by analyzing the results of each campaign. You can look at several different metrics and compare them to one another.

Some data points you want to consider are:

  • Open rates: how many people opened your emails?
  • Click rates: how many people clicked on links in your email?
  • Bounce rates: what percentage of emails bounced back (sent an error message)? Did this increase or decrease over time?
  • Unsubscribe rates: what percentage of people unsubscribed from future campaigns? Did this increase or decrease over time?
  • Conversion rates: what percentage of clicks led to conversions (e.g., purchases)? Did this increase or decrease over time?

The last thing I want you to do is to check out which elements in your emails had the highest average conversion rate per campaign, then try including an identical copy/content with only slight modifications — such as changing colors, fonts, etc.

Additional tips for best targeted email marketing campaigns

Once you have your email marketing strategy in place, here are some additional tips for users to put into practice.

Use social media to promote your email campaigns.

A great way to reach a wider audience is through social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. You can use these platforms to share links to your emails or posts that include images or short video clips from the last time you sent out an email campaign (for example: “Did you see our latest blog post?”).

Use email automation software.

Email marketing platforms allow companies like yours to create automated processes based on certain events happening within the system—such as someone filling out a form on your website or signing up for a newsletter subscription—and send them targeted messages based on those events.

This saves you time and ensures that every recipient gets exactly what they want whether they’re new customers looking into your services or existing clients who want more information about what’s going on at your company now after reading last month’s newsletter or post!

It also helps prevent errors since human error could cause something like this not to happen at all due to a lack of communication between departments.

Enable easy sharing

To drive engagement and increase the likelihood that your email will be forwarded, make it easy for users to share the content with their social networks. You can do this by:

  • Adding links that suggest sharing on social media. For example, you could include a Facebook or Twitter button as part of your CTA button.
  • Including links that allow users to forward the email via email or SMS message directly from their device (if they’re not already being sent directly from their device).

Here’s the wrap

Personalized email campaigns are more effective than generic email marketing campaigns, but you need to create a targeted approach based on audience behavior and needs. Targeted emails are more likely to get opened and clicked, generating more revenue for your business.

Here’s a summary of the key points regarding targeted email marketing efforts:

  • Use unique content in the body of your emails that’s relevant to each customer
  • Write it as if you’re having a conversation with them!
  • If they bought something from you recently, talk about how they can use it in their daily lives.
  • If they haven’t purchased anything yet, explain why they should buy from you now (and include any relevant discounts). This way every customer feels like they’re getting something special just for them!


In short, targeted email marketing is a powerful tool to increase conversions and revenue by personalizing your messages to specific groups who have subscribed to your list. We discussed how to segment your email list, create targeted campaigns, and the benefits it brings. It’s time to put this knowledge into action.

Start personalizing your messages today and see the results for yourself. Then come back to this website and share your experience in the comments or you can contact me using the link at the top of this page. Sign up for our newsletter for more tips and tricks on how to create campaigns that convert.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding email segmentation, a particular email marketing service, or digital marketing in general.

What do you think?

Written by Michael Allsworth

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