
Motivation 101: How to Get Out of a Mental Slump – 10 Suggestions

Get out of mental slump
One way of getting out of a slump is to get out there and interact with nature. You can find your inspiration again.

Motivation 101: How to Get Out of a Mental Slump

A mental slump is when your motivation and/or focus have gone down significantly, making you feel uninspired to be productive or complete tasks. It’s a common problem that affects many people due to fatigue, stress, boredom, or what feels like a lack of energy for life.

When you’re in a mental slump, it can be difficult to concentrate, make decisions, and feel motivated. If you’re struggling to get out of a mental slump, it’s important to take care of yourself and try different strategies to boost your mood and energy.

But don’t worry! Fortunately, learning how to get out of a mental slump doesn’t have to be difficult.

Something as simple as getting enough rest can help get the mind and body back on track. Taking breaks throughout the day-whether it’s for some light exercise, reading a book, or listening to music – also helps in breaking out of mundane routines.

Additionally, setting clear and attainable goals can give purpose and direction which gives more incentive for someone in a mental slump to persevere through any challenge that comes their way.


We all go through times when we just don’t feel as motivated or inspired. Whether it’s from feeling overwhelmed by too much on our plate, feeling unappreciated at work, or dealing with personal issues, it’s easy to get stuck in a mental slump.

It might feel like you can’t break out of it, but there are ways to motivate yourself and get back on track. Remember it’s okay to feel down sometimes because even the most motivated have these times when you’re feeling like a shadow of themselves. Let’s look at some effective ways to get out of a mental slump.

10 Ways to Break Out of a Mental Slump

1. Acknowledge you’re in a slump

The first step to getting out of a slump is admission. You can’t solve a problem you don’t have. So yeah, take it on the chin and agree you’re in a slump. You’re not alone because slumps do happen to all and sundry. The good news is that slumps come to an end too; you will get motivated again.

It’s not the end of the world. The worst thing you can do when you’re stuck in a slump is to give up and quit.

2. Indulge the slump (just a little)

Human Resources expert Ian McKenzie wrote in 2012 that sometimes to discover or re-discover our motivation we just need to take a break. It might seem like that’s feeding into the slump but sometimes a slump comes on because we burn ourselves out. Think about it: most of the time slumps come on when you’re at the top of your game.

If things are going well, you’d like to chase that streak too long and need our bodies to tell us when it’s time to ease up a bit. After all, our motivation is controlled as much by our psychology as by our biology.


Slumps are like a soft bed. They’re easy to get into and hard to get out of. —- Johnny Bench

3. Practice self-care

First and foremost, take time for yourself. Maybe it’s because of neglect. Self-care is an essential part of keeping your head above water and staying motivated. Schedule time for yourself – even if it’s only 15 minutes – to do something that makes you feel good.

It’s a good idea to, for example, take a hot bath with Epsom salts and have your favorite book on hand; go for a run; watch your favorite TV show; whatever helps you relax and clear your head will help you find motivation faster than anything else.

4. Change your routine

When you find yourself stuck in a rut and unmotivated, try changing up your routine. Do something different every day that gives you a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Set small goals for yourself every day – even if they seem insignificant – that help move the needle forward in some way, whether physical or emotional. This could be anything from taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work to writing in a gratitude journal each night before bedtime.

Don’t give up! Family and friends, mental health professionals are extra support to help you get your mojo back.

5. Get the support of loved ones

Reach out for support from friends and family members who can provide an outside perspective on the situation (and hopefully make you laugh). Connecting with people who care about us can give us that extra support we need and remind us how capable we really are and how important our own well-being should be taken care of first and foremost.

Plus, you’ll feel better having someone to talk things through with; they can help ease stress levels overall, make you feel less alone, and perhaps you’ll get motivated and break out of it!

6. Don’t give up

Taking breaks is important but, as mentioned above, it doesn’t mean giving up. A 2012 article published in Forbes Magazine says that one of the most important things that we can do in a slump is patient – not by sitting around until the slump goes away, but by working through the slump.

Giving yourself breaks is important – if you can, even consider taking a vacation – but most of the time it’s important to work through slumps. This is important in terms of productivity but it’s also important mentally.

It can be hard, but we can work our way out of some slumps. Just don’t put off that vacation too long or slumps will only become longer and more frequent. A vacation can also help you unwind, remove negative emotions and give us a much more positive mental state.

7. Identify the source of the slump

Slumps can result in major life changes. Identifying the source of a slump can be important to determining how to best use it to your advantage.

If a slump follows a major life change it could mean that the slump is just the result of reshuffling priorities, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

It could also mean that the slump is just our way of adapting to life after that change and that the slump will go away on its own after a little time.


When you play long enough, everybody goes through spells and streaks and slumps of some nature. I think it’s just one of the those things where you have to play yourself out of it. —- Mark Messier


If the slump doesn’t go away after a traumatic event like a death in the family, it could the feelings of depression setting in.

On the other hand, slumps can come about when we want a little change of pace. Slumps of this kind can actually be exciting opportunities to try new things and expand our horizons.

8. Practice mindfulness and gratitude

Mindfulness is the practice of bringing your attention to the present moment, without judgment. It can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and can be a helpful way to manage stress and improve your mental health.

Practicing gratitude is another way to beat that low energy you’ve been feeling (notwithstanding any medical reasons). To get started, take a few moments, maybe 2-5 minutes, and find something good in your life. Listing a few things you’re grateful for will shift your mind to the positive and help you see how blessed you are.

9. Get some exercise

Now, this may not apply to everyone who’s lost their mojo. However, physical exercise has been shown to reduce stress levels and produce the mood-enhancing hormone endorphin. It’s one of the best ways of helping come out of depressive episodes.

If a rigorous physical activity is not suitable, go for a walk. Get in touch with nature; it’s a great way of finding inspiration. Start small, perhaps do a 5-minute walk around the house if possible.

If it’s not possible, you may want to go to the park or run on the treadmill, do some push-ups, etc. It will improve your physical health and help with mental health issues too.

10. Seek professional help

If you’re struggling with a mental health issue and you’re not making positive changes on your own by following any of the tips above, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. Don’t throw a pity party and give up because that’ll make you feel worse even.

A mental health professional can provide you with steps you can take, and the tools and support you need to get back on track.

11. Bonus Tip:

Take small steps: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, for example with your workload, it can be helpful to break your goals down into smaller, more achievable steps that you can accomplish easily. This can make it feel less daunting and help you make progress toward your bigger, overall goals.

Results, however small they are, will give you that sense of progress


I truly hope that the suggestions are helpful! It’s very important to remind yourself that everyone experiences low motivation at one point or another. Knowing how to recognize these feelings is half the battle won already!

The tips above can provide guidance on how to get out of a mental slump so that you can focus on what truly matters most in life: living life to its fullest potential! Really small steps add up over time – so don’t give up hope! With enough dedication and determination, anyone can break free from their mental slump!

Let me know if any of the tips have been helpful in getting you out of a slump.

What do you think?

Written by Michael Allsworth

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